We began our first day back with a powerful message from our guest speaker. Rabbi Hillel Van Leeuwen, Head of Mizrachi World movement's Leadership Development recounted an incident from his time as a paratrooper for the Tzahal. In one particular night operation to apprehend a suspected terrorist, another soldier decided to take some cash that was lying around in the perpetrator's home. That night, the Officer called them all out. While ostensibly irreligious, he took out his Tanach and read the story of Achan in Sefer Yehoshua. Hashem blamed all of Bnei Yisrael - חטא ישראל - because of one individual! (That soldier was sent to military prison for two months!)
Aside from the supreme ethics of the Tzahal, we are reminded to look at the Tanach to lead our own lives with higher morals and ethical standards. We are thrilled to share the resounding success of the Y12 and Y13 Yavneh Boys' Jewish heritage journey to Poland. Under the esteemed guidance of Rabbi Michael Olshin from Yeshivat Torat Shraga (Israel), accompanied by the invaluable support of Rabbi Wulwick and Mr. Leventhall-Airley, students embarked on a profound 6 day exploration of heritage, tradition, memory and Jewish values.
Throughout this transformative experience, students delved deep into the rich tapestry of Jewish history, tracing the footsteps of once grand communities of Lodz, Warsaw, Krakow and many others with reverence and reflection. From solemn visits to historic sites to heartfelt connections with local communities, each moment was imbued with learning and meaning. Their journey stands as a testament to the resilience of the Jewish spirit and the importance of preserving our legacy for future generations. We extend our deepest gratitude to Rabbi Olshin, Rabbi Wulwick, Mr. Leventhall-Airley, and all involved for their dedication in making this unforgettable experience possible. Rabbi Schwarz's Year 9 and 10 class delivered fascinating presentations on various Mitzvos including Shiluach Haken, Netilas Yadayim, Tzitzis and Peyos. Congratulations to Yitzchok Giffen for winning the top prize of a Bluetooth speaker for the best question: Why specifically does the Tefillin shel Rosh have a three-headed and four-headed letter ש on each side?
The early morning Chabura shared another learning Siyum with Rabbi Yitzi Joseph celebrating their success with Gemara Berachos in true style.
On the last day of half-term we welcomed Dayan Danny Kada of the Sephardi and Portuguese Bet Din. After davening with the boys, he left a fascinating discussion about the concept of Mesorah, and what it means to be Sephardi in an Ashkenazi world.
We enjoyed a special Leil Shishi in honour of Rosh Chodesh Adar.
Each speaker had 60 seconds to deliver a Dvar Torah related to Adar, Purim or Simcha. The boys enthusiastically counted down before every speech and ensured that they didn’t go a second over. Following this, they did Chazara via an online quiz (Blooket). This was followed by pizza, chips and ice-cream. Well done to Leo Creek, Ben Addleman and Yehouda Moussa for winning the top three prizes. |
YYHSNews from the Yavneh Yeshiva High School Archives
December 2024