This morning we held our final assembly of the academic term. This is our opportunity to review school progress, give thanks to the various people who support the community - staff, security, caretakers and cleaners - as well as giving out to celebrate and mark progress from so many for their middot, classroom engagement and support of school ethos and values.
Congratulations to all our students and prize recipients today. Getting the most out of school is not just 'excellent' grades. It's also enjoying your time for sports, physical activity and team play. Tuesday's the boys enjoy basketball. Check the extra-curricular list for more.
Yavneh Boys were treated to a special visit by The Travelling Chassidim. R’ Berish Dresner, R’ Shloime Shtark, R’ Moshe Ostreicher and R’ Gershon Rose introduced us to the world of Chassidus, taught us a new song, shared inspirational messages. R’ Gavriel Wulwick provided the music. Following singing and dancing, we had ice-cream and nosh before lighting the Menorah and Davening Maariv for the last time this Chanukah.
We enjoyed a musical Hallel led by Rav Elad Eshel, followed by an insight of Chanukah focusing on shining a light during the dark times.
Our guest Chanukah speaker this morning was Rabbi Yisroel Meir Shaftesley, Director of the Kollel L'Dayonus. He posed and unpacked a simple [and yet complex] question: Is the Chanukah Mitzva the act of 'lighting', or to have candles 'burning'? And what difference does this make to our lives?
Many thanks to a parent for kindly sponsoring this morning's treats and refreshments. |
YYHSNews from the Yavneh Yeshiva High School Archives
September 2024