Rabbi Joseph held a Siyum for the members of the morning Chabura, a volunteer group of boys who come to learn before Shacharis. The boys had completed Perek Ein Omdin in Berachos. Mazal Tov boys.
Yavneh Boys welcomed former student Dov Harris who spoke at Toras Yavneh, sharing a vort linking this week's parsha, humility and unnecessary grand entrances.
Today marks the 90th Yartzheit of Rabbi Meir Shapira, the founder of Yehivat Chochmei Lublin in 1923 (Poland) and initiator of the Daf HaYomi learning programme.
Mr. Leventhall gave an assembly discussing his experiences at Chochmei Lublin with the sixth form, the importance of Rabbi Meir Shapiro and the unifying role of Daf HaYomi in the Jewish world today. Today saw the restart of the weekly Friday lunch and learn programme, Toras Yavneh. 35 boys used half of their lunchtime to share learning on the Parsha and tephillah.
Many thanks to this week's pizza lunch sponsors. If anyone would like to sponsor a week/programme of learning, please be in contact with the Yavneh Office. Introduced to the Halochos and link to Parshas Noach by Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Simmonds, the boys enjoyed learning about Tzitzis and assembling pairs for the Israeli Chayalim.
There was a wonderful Ruach of Achdus as everyone worked together, most making Tzitzis for their first time. This special Leil Shishi programme, dedicated to the Residents of Israel, focused on Eretz Yisrael. We set up 7 stations, with some of our Sixth Form Students acting as Rebbes. Each Rebbe taught an idea relating to Eretz Yisrael – and every four minutes, the boys moved to the next table. This was followed by brief summaries of what we learned, followed by Mincha and Tehillim.
YYHSNews from the Yavneh Yeshiva High School Archives
December 2024