Tonight we welcomed 7 Rabbis and a solicitor from Kollel L’dayonus. Ari Kornbluth, a commercial litigation solicitor, along with Rabbi Shua Whipman, a member of the Kollel, began by presenting us with a scenario in which someone had sent their friend an email containing a malicious file. Upon opening the attachment, the file corrupted his friend’s files causing significant damage.
The boys then broke into groups, each with a Rav from Yavneh and a member of the Kollel, where they attempted to try to work out the correct Halacha using various other scenarios in Shulchan Aruch. Each group then presented their findings. Rabbi Cohen made a presentation to Rabbi Yisroel Meir Shaftesley and thanked him for organising the event. This Leil Shishi program was the finale of a project run during the week on Tuesday evenings under the bracket of experiential learning.
This evening's Leil Shishi programme was the finale of a project run in Tuesday lessons with Rabbi Schwarz. Year 9 and Year 10 boys were paired together to write a summary of the life a of a Rishon, a rabbi from the 11th to 15th centuries. Presentations and presenters hared their research with the groups as a whole and did exceptionally well.
Each report was then fixed on a map so boys can pinpoint where the Rishon lived. In honour of Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the boys were treated to a musical Hallel led by R'Lipa Tomlin and a donut and hot chocolate breakfast following davening. May it be a month of blessing for all.
Tonight the boys learning focus was on understanding what is the concept of a 'Land of Israel' and connection through history, community, learning and home. It is our prayer that peace and harmony is restored to the region and we return soon.
YYHSNews from the Yavneh Yeshiva High School Archives
December 2024