Over the examination period Year 11 are no longer in the framework of the regular school day. Rabbi Schwarz arranged a Tefilin Davening initiative to make sure standards are kept up even during this time. Class celebration with a lunch at Mozzarella!
Years 7, 8 and 9 of Yavneh Boys enjoyed a wonderful day out on a pre Lag B'Omer Outing.
The day started with a delicious breakfast followed by an inspirational learning programme, kindly hosted by Heaton Park Shul. R' Sholom Cohen opened the mornings learning program with a beautiful idea on what we can accomplish on Lag B'Omer and the real reason behind Lag B'Omer outings! Students then had the opportunity to learn through different Lag B'Omer topics, with their chavrusah. This was then followed by Adventure activities in Heaton park together with a tasty Pizza & Chips lunch and a football match. A big thank you to all the generous sponsors who contributed to the day as well as to rabbi Wulwick and all staff who organised and led the day. The boys revelled in the exhilarating final activities of the day, from conquering the mechanical bull to perfecting their aim at the hoop toss, and bouncing with joy in the jumping castle. The blend of excitement and camaraderie made it a memorable end to an unforgettable day of fun-filled adventures.
Many thanks to Rabbi Schwartz for organising. Yes! You read that correctly. the YBs had a dance competition. Organised by Rav Elad and Rabbi Cohen, each year group followed interactive instructions from the big screen and worked together to present a routine.
Lots of laughter, lots of movement. An mazing close competition saw the Y10s awarded winners [for this year]. Chag Sameach Music and celebration filled the Yavneh Boys Beis Medrash this morning as Rav Elad Eshel led the Yom Hatzmaut davening. Following a beautiful davening, boys were treated to a delicious breakfast followed by a morning of Israeli-themed activities.
Rav Elad Eshel led a moving assembly commemorating the fallen soldiers and terror victims in Israel. Ori Brooke shared a touching account of two heroes. Other students lit candles, read letters and poems.
We learned some fascinating, yet harrowing Teshuvos (responsa) posed to Rav Ephraim Oshry in the Kovno Ghetto during the Shoah. Mr Leventhall introduced the learning through a brief historical background and insights, following which students discussed and debated the scenarios including:
Yavneh Boys embarked on a reflective journey, sharing what Pesach means to them. Students worked in groups to pen a paragraph expressing their personal insights. Additionally, students were given 5 questions to answer in front of their peers within 90 seconds, adding an element of spontaneity and engagement to the event. These reflections were then shared with the room and judged by teachers and community members. Amazon vouchers were awarded for the most meaningful and creative reflections.
YYHSNews from the Yavneh Yeshiva High School Archives
December 2024